Apr 20, 2010 · 3 minute read · Comments
EJB3GlassfishJava EE
I’m currently studying to take SCEA, so, even after so long time after the EJB3 specification was released I took my first look into it only now. For sure, one of the most important change was the simple way to develop our EJB components, now POJO based with annotations, so, we can be away from the XML configuration as maximum as possible.
To run this example I used:
- Glassfish V2
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Sep 30, 2009 · 3 minute read · Comments
Best PracticesJSP
In the last 2 years I’ve been working with CMS solutions. Actually creating Templates to display the content retrieved from the CMS. So, basically we need to retrieve the content from the System. And having this content we need to apply some business logic to then diplay the content.
For presentation we use JSPs. In the basic archtecture we have the JSP as presentation, the classes with the business logic and the classes to access the data (via SQL or CMS API).
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Jun 2, 2009 · 3 minute read · Comments
JAXBXMLxml schema
In this post we will show a simple example on how we can create XML using JAXB.
JAXB _“constitutes a convenient framework for processing XML documents, providing significant benefits as compared to previously available methods such as the one following the Document Object Model (DOM). In the DOM approach, the parser creates a tree of objects that represents the content and organization of data in the document. The application can then navigate through the tree in memory to access the data it needs.
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May 27, 2009 · 1 minute read · Comments
AjaxGoogle JSRSS
In the project I’m currently working we had a requirement to display some news that comes from a External RSS Feed. At the beginning we choose an Server side approach, using the Rome framework to read the RSS Feed, but we faced some problems with proxy settings. So we needed to change our approach from server side to client side.
For a client side approach we needed to use ajax, but using ajax we faced another problem when we tried to make a request to another domain.
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Dec 30, 2007 · 3 minute read · Comments
xml schema
Olá pessoal,
este é o primeiro do post no meu blog, espero que gostem.
XML Schema foi aprovado em 2001, e tornou-se a recomendação oficial do W3C para a validação de documentos XML. XML Schema é uma metalinguagem em XML, que é utilizado para descrever a estrutura de documentos XML. Surgiu para suprir as limitações impostas pelos DTD’s.
Dentre as principais vantagens de utilizá-lo nós temos: uma grande quantidade de tipos básicos de dados, capacidade de extensão dos tipos básicos, relacionamento entre os elementos internos e é expresso em XML.
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Oct 29, 2007 · 1 minute read · Comments
Bem vindos ao Xico Junior blog, um blog onde você encontrará posts relacionados a XML, Java, Web Services entre outras coisas